Salı, Aralık 02, 2008
Kitap dünyasında Google devrimi
Pazartesi, Aralık 01, 2008
Çarşamba, Kasım 12, 2008
Apple'dan indirimli filmler
Salı, Kasım 11, 2008
Nokia pazar liderliğini kaptırıyor mu?

Pazartesi, Kasım 10, 2008
Çarşamba, Ekim 22, 2008
Apple the Acquirer?
With $25 billion in cash and short-term securities stored away on its balance sheet, Apple (AAPL) is in a uniquely comfortable position from which to weather the econaclypse. And perhaps a uniquely opportunistic one, as well. According to CEO Steve Jobs, anyway. To wit: Jobs’s comments Tuesday about Apple’s cash reserves what it might do with them.
We have almost $25 billion safely in the bank and zero debt. This provides us tremendous stability and the ability to invest our way through this downturn. This is what we did during the last downturn–we increased R&D investments and created some of our best new products and businesses, like the Apple retail stores, for one. This downturn may also present some extraordinary opportunities for companies that have the cash to take advantage of them, like Apple does.”
What was that again?
“This downturn may also present some extraordinary opportunities for companies that have the cash to take advantage of them, like Apple does.”
Sanford Bernstein analyst Toni Sacconaghi noted that remark as well and followed up on it during the Q&A. “Steve, you mentioned a couple of times that you thought there were extraordinary opportunities for companies with cash,” he said. “I think you could hire almost every engineer in Silicon Valley on a lifetime employment contract and not really dent that significant cash horde that you have. When you made that statement, are you suggesting that there are significant opportunities for Apple outside of Apple, specifically in terms of acquiring companies?”
Jobs’s reply: “I just meant exactly what I said, which is I think there’s going to be some significant opportunities.”
Could this mean that Apple is considering an acquisition–a major acquisition? It’s hard to say, but the fact that Jobs dropped such a hint at all is certainly interesting. Perhaps it’s time for that long-rumored merger with Adobe (ADBE).
Incidentally, Adobe’s market cap is $14.65 billion. …
Çarşamba, Ekim 08, 2008
Perşembe, Eylül 25, 2008
Steve Jobs Dünyanın En Güçlü 4. İnsanı
1. Vladimir Putin - Rusya Başbakanı
2. Rupert Murdoch - News Corporation
3. Sergey Brin, Larry Page ve Eric Schmidt - Google
4. Steve Jobs - Apple
5. Warren Buffett - Berkshire Hathaway
6. Jeff Bezos - Amazon
7. Şeyh Muhammed bin Raşid El Maktum - Dubai şeyhi
8. Roman Abramoviç - Millhouse Capital
9. Angelina Jolie ve Brad Pitt - Oyuncu
10. Al Gore - Eski ABD Başkan adayı, çevreci
Kawasaki’den ‘sahte, geçici ve aptalca’ olandan kurtulma yolları
Çarşamba, Eylül 24, 2008
Pazartesi, Eylül 15, 2008
Çarşamba, Eylül 10, 2008
Apple'dan yeni ürünler
Cuma, Eylül 05, 2008
Salı, Eylül 02, 2008
Cuma, Ağustos 29, 2008
Çarşamba, Ağustos 06, 2008
Çarşamba, Temmuz 23, 2008
Google talks acquisition with Digg
Perşembe, Temmuz 17, 2008
Salı, Temmuz 01, 2008
Çarşamba, Haziran 11, 2008
Acrobat 9 Türkiye Lansmanı Yapıldı
Acrobat 9 Yeni Özellikler:
- PDF Portfolio: PDF belgelerine artık değişik formatlarda dosyalar eklemek mümkün. Hatta bir kaç PDF dosyasını tek bir PDF portfoyosuna ekleyebilirsiniz.
- Video ekleme (herhangi bir formatta). FLV formatına çevriliyor. Flash ve Acrobat entegre olmuş durumda.
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Salı, Haziran 10, 2008
VMware Desktop Manager 2 Delivers Full Multimedia Experience to PCs and Scales to Tens of Thousands of Desktops
to read more:
VMware Launches ThinApp 4.0 to Run Virtually Any Application on Any Windows Operating System without Conflict
VMware ThinApp Agentless Application Virtualization Enables “Package Once, Deploy Anywhere” Non-Disruptive Virtual Applications
PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--VMware, Inc. (NYSE:VMW), the global leader in virtualization solutions from the desktop to the datacenter, today announced the upcoming availability of VMware ThinApp 4, an application virtualization solution that lets customers run multiple versions of virtually any application on any Windows operating system without conflict. For example, users can run both Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7 on the same operating system without disruption.
to read more: businesswire.comiPhone 3G

iPhone 3G nihayet çıktı:
- 3G (3 Band)
- UMTS, HSDPA, GSM, Wi-Fi, EDGE, GPS (A-GPS), Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR
- 199$ (8 GB) 299 $ (16 GB)
- Plastik arka yüz (Siyah / Beyaz)
- Kulaklık girişi 3.5 mm (herhangi bir kulaklık takılabilir)
- Yeni güç adaptörü (daha küçük)
- Yeni dock
- Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync ile :
- Push email
- Push contacts
- Push calendar
- Global Address List (GAL) support
- Certificates and identities
- WPA2/802.1X
- Enforced security policies
- More VPN protocols
- Device configuration
- Remote wipe
Perşembe, Haziran 05, 2008
iTunes U (iTunes University) listesi genişliyor
Üniversite Listesi (iTunes gerektirir)
iTunes University: iTunes Store'da çeşitli üniversitelerin seçilmiş ders videoları ve ses dosyaları ücretsiz olarak indirilebilir durumda listeleniyor. Üniversiteler ABD, İngiltere, Kanada, İrlanda, Yeni Zelanda ve Avustralya'dan.
iTunes U nerede?: iTunes Store'da üst sol köşedeki listenin en altında.
Cuma, Mayıs 23, 2008
Sprint answers Steve Jobs and Apple's iPhone on June 20
Çarşamba, Mayıs 21, 2008
Flip Video?
Salı, Mayıs 20, 2008
Cuma, Mayıs 16, 2008
Apple ABD'deki en büyük mağazasını Boston'da açtı
Salı, Mayıs 13, 2008
Pazartesi, Mayıs 12, 2008
Çarşamba, Mayıs 07, 2008
Salı, Mayıs 06, 2008
iPhone Türkiye'ye Vodafone ile geliyor
Vodafone iPhone'u Türkiye'ye getiriyor. Vodafone'un Türkiye ile birlikte iPhone satacağı diğer ülkeler: Avustralya, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Mısır, Yunanistan, İtalya, Hindistan, Portekiz, Yeni Zelanda, Güney Afrika
Apple Store Boston Boylston Street açılıyor
En büyük Apple Store olacakmış...
Pazartesi, Mayıs 05, 2008
Çarşamba, Nisan 30, 2008
Pazartesi, Nisan 28, 2008
Perşembe, Nisan 24, 2008
Perşembe, Nisan 17, 2008
Google Earth 4.3 Beta
- Photo-realistic buildings from cities around the world
- Dawn to dusk views with the Sunlight feature
- Swoop navigation from outer space to street-level
Çarşamba, Nisan 16, 2008
Corn Stach Liquid or Solid?
Do Not Try This At Home
Unless you want to buy 2000 boxes of corn starch and a giant tub. Just when you think Steve Spangler The Science Guy has shown you the coolest thing ever, he shows you something even cooler!Daha önce girdigimiz benzer bir haber / A likely post that we entered a while ago:
Salı, Nisan 15, 2008
Your Birth Tune
What was the #1 most popular song on the day you were born?
Has this question been keeping you up at night?
Then today’s your lucky day. On this site, you can specify your birth month and date. The site will show you which song was at the top of the Billboard charts on the day your life began. (You look through the years manually; that’s how the site avoids making you tell it how old you are.), Nisan 14, 2008
Google'da tarihe göre arama / Google search by date
Arama sonuçları ekranında arama kelimelerinin yazıldığı kutunun yanında sıralanacak süre seçilebiliyor.
In search results screen you can select the order that search results will be sorted.
Cuma, Nisan 11, 2008
Details trickle out on Nokia's answer to iPhone
Nokia's apparent answer to the iPhone will arrive in the second half of this year, according to Symbian Freak. A Nokia spokesman confirmed the timing to Computerworld but didn't offer any further details other than the obvious notion that the "Tube" will use Symbian's S60 operating system. Nokia owns a large stake in Symbian.
According to Symbian Freak, the Tube (real name TBD) will come with 3G, Wi-Fi, and GPS chips and use a screen sized between 3 inches and 3.5 inches. The site's report compared the size of the Tube to a Nokia N73, but perhaps a bit wider. There's a built-in camera that can also support geotagging of photos taken with the camera, the report says.
The iPhone will probably be available in a 3G version by the time the Tube makes an appearance. It's not totally clear what type of touch-screen interface Nokia will be using for this phone. The report says that the Tube won't use "multitouch," but will have "tactility feedback."
Pazartesi, Nisan 07, 2008
Cuma, Nisan 04, 2008
Perşembe, Nisan 03, 2008
Çarşamba, Nisan 02, 2008
Forget 10 million in '08. Analyst predicts 45 million iPhones in '09
Salı, Mart 25, 2008
Cuma, Mart 21, 2008
Time Machine: CERN's Large Hadron Collider
This is what the world's first Time Machine may look like
Never heard of "traversable wormholes?"
Well, soon you might start hearing about them, as the world's most powerful particle accelerator becomes functional this spring - unleashing forces, capable of distorting not only space (just like gravity distorts space around Earth), but also TIME.
Apple Buys Patent for iPhone Technology
The patent (U.S. patent 6,956,564) covers sensing technology originally invented by Lyndsay Williams for BT in 1997.
The technology was originally deployed in a touch-sensitive computer called SmartQuill. This was capable of handwriting recognition, and could be used to write documents on paper the computer would then remember and store.
As it applies to the iPhone, the patent covers the devices designation as a portable computer that's responsive to movement and produces an electrical output signal representative of such movement.
SmartQuill carried a small screen that offered different views as the device was turned around. The patent purchase could be designed to protect Apple's iPhone's movement detection sensor, which moves the screen and changes the representation offered on screen when iPhone is moved around.
Williams is now managing director of Girton Labs.
Çarşamba, Mart 19, 2008
Unlimited music bundle from Apple
financial times
Arthur C. Clarke: The Wired Words
Salı, Mart 18, 2008
iPhone comes to Ireland and Austria...
Apple enjoys huge Mac growth in February
Mac shipments were up dramatically in the fourth quarter of last year, and if recent NPD data is any indication, Apple's doing pretty well again this quarter.
AppleInsider spotted a research note from Pacific Crest Securities citing NPD Group data that Apple's Mac shipments grew 60 percent in February compared with the same period last year, while the entire market grew just 9 percent. NPD's data tracks computer purchases made at U.S. retail stores, which means it excludes much of Dell and all online purchases in general, but it does serve as a weather vane for the PC industry.
Pazartesi, Mart 17, 2008
Copy and Paste for iPhone
Çarşamba, Mart 12, 2008
iPhone Contacts Search Coming?

It was only visible for a few moments, but eagle-eyed blarg Kaboom blog author Daniel Ahdout noticed something interesting while Apple's Phil Schiller was busy talking up the new enterprise features coming to iPhone at a meeting last week.

Pazartesi, Mart 10, 2008
Cuma, Mart 07, 2008
Perşembe, Mart 06, 2008
Pazartesi, Mart 03, 2008
iPhone stopwatch 1000 hours?
more iPhone music from iBand...
Salı, Şubat 19, 2008
Pazartesi, Şubat 18, 2008
Sony Ericsson Xperia X1

The device will be running the yet-to-be-announced Windows Mobile 6.1 OS.
Sony's XPERIA X1 is a hiptop killer that has a touch UI, but a Hiptop-esque slide keyboard. A Windows Mobile device, the X1 features full QWERTY, a 3.2MP camera, 3-inch touchscreen at 800 X 480 resolution, Wi-Fi, 400 MB of internal storage and microSD support.
Salı, Şubat 12, 2008
iPhone unlocked (again!)
A teen hacker known for his deftness with iPhones has figured out how to unlock models running the latest firmware versions by cracking a protection that has frustrated hackers for weeks.
The breakthrough by George Hotz, aka Geohot, means people who have bought a recent iPhone will once again be able to use it on the phone network of their choice. Apple makes as much as $400 for every handset that's activated on an approved network, so its developers have worked hard to prevent the so-called unlocking of iPhones.
Cuma, Şubat 08, 2008
How to write ALL CAPS with your iPhone?
If you wonder 99 more tricks then: 1000s iPhone Tips and Tricks (1-100)
Clearing Up Some of the Confusion Over HDTV
Nokia N96 images leaked
Çarşamba, Şubat 06, 2008
Salı, Ocak 22, 2008
Mac Book Air on Air ! :)
No ethernet. No CD/DVD. Too important features to miss. At least for me. I would not prefer to buy it. I still want a Mac Book Pro.
Cuma, Ocak 18, 2008
Çarşamba, Ocak 16, 2008
4 million iPhones sold
iPhone firmware 1.1.3
Finger Tip #11: Customize Home Screen
Perşembe, Ocak 10, 2008
The Untold Story: How the iPhone Blew Up the Wireless Industry
A few headlines:
- Code name of the project was P2 (Purple 2)
- They built a phone and abandoned it (in fall 2006, just 3 months before Steve will launch the real iPhone)
- To ensure the iPhone's tiny antenna could do its job effectively, Apple spent millions buying and assembling special robot-equipped testing rooms. To make sure the iPhone didn't generate too much radiation, Apple built models of human heads — complete with goo to simulate brain density — and measured the effects. To predict the iPhone's performance on a network, Apple engineers bought nearly a dozen server-sized radio-frequency simulators for millions of dollars apiece. Even Apple's experience designing screens for iPods didn't help the company design the iPhone screen, as Jobs discovered while toting a prototype in his pocket: To minimize scratching, the touchscreen needed to be made of glass, not hard plastic like on the iPod. One insider estimates that Apple spent roughly $150 million building the iPhone.
- Apple gains net 80 $ from a 399$ iPhone plus 240$ from every 2 year contract with AT&T
- iPhone has tripled the carrier's volume of data traffic in cities like New York and San Francisco
- Jobs unveiled the MOTOROLA ROKR in September 2005. It was a disaster. Wired summarized the disappointment on its November 2005 cover: "YOU CALL THIS THE PHONE OF THE FUTURE?"
- The negotiations with AT&T would take more than a year. At one point, Jobs met with some executives from Verizon, who promptly turned him down.
- It took almost a year to shrink down Mac OSX to fit the iPhone.
- Through it all, Jobs maintained the highest level of secrecy. Teams were split up and scattered across Apple's Cupertino, California, campus. Even the iPhone's hardware and software teams were kept apart: Hardware engineers worked on circuitry that was loaded with fake software, while software engineers worked off circuit boards sitting in wooden boxes. By January 2007, when Jobs announced the iPhone at Macworld, only 30 or so of the most senior people on the project had seen it.
wired magazine